west van salmon charters Archives - Vancouver Salmon Fishing Charters with Watermark Charters - Fully Guided

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Fishing report May 9th 2011

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What a beautiful day Salmon Fishing in Vancouver.  We headed out around 9am from Howe sound to the South end of Bowen Island. We started about 2 miles off. We had a great day we ended up keeping a 11, 17lb Spring lost one and released one not bad for starting mid morning. Most boats off the South end of Bowen got a legal Spring and a chance at a couple more with a few boats doing better. We caught all our fish between 100 and 130ft on anchovies. The Gulf islands today were exellent with alot of the boats limiting out with between 2 and 6 legal fish. They were catching Springs from North of Naniamo to Thrasher rock fishing offshore 2 to 4 miles. Prawning was great we are only fishing 2 traps right now in shallow water and we got around 200. Until next time good luck.

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Fishing report April 29th 2011

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The fishing in vancouver has picked up a bit in the last few days since the last report. The South end of Bowen island has started to produce, not in great numbers, but most boats are coming home with at least one nice Spring salmon. The weather still has been a problem with rain and wind it is the end of April so Spring in vancouver has to get here soon and give us the weather we’re used to at this time of year. Most people are fishing the South end of Bowen island now but a few fish have been hit up Howe Sound and on the West side of Bowen island for the few that have gone there. The Gulf islands have started to be better also from fishing right off Thrasher rock to fishing a few miles off the rock. I will say it again hopefully the weather starts to be like the weather we’re used to in Vancouver at this time of year and warm up stop raining and we can get back to the fishing we’re used to. The crabbing and prawning remains great now just need the vancouver weather to start to be nice and we will be out most days chartering the vancouver waters. Good luck till next time.

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March 29th 2010

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Well the weather this weekend was not on our side. Not many people went out. The algae bloom seems to have arrived in parts of Howe Sound already. The salmon fishing seemed to have slowed down abit on thursday and friday last week at Grace, 3rd marker, and Tunstal but the water was very brown with the algae bloom. There was a boat that got out for awhile on sunday and fished Tunstal bay for a few hours. He did end up with one legal Spring and 2 undersize not bad for a few hours. The south end of Bowen island should start to pick up here in the next week or two. There is the odd Spring getting caught on the flood at the Capilano river off the marker. There will be alot more activity on the water if the weather gets back to being nice including myself just waiting for calm winds and flat water. Crabbing and prawning remain very good and should continue untill the commercial prawn fishery is opened. Good luck till then give me a call if you need any questions answered.

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Fishing Report March 23 2010

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The fishing has picked up on the west side of Bowen in the last few days. The Spring salmon fishing in Howe Sound on the west side of Bowen island has picked up at Grace Islands, Hutt Island, and 3rd Marker. The weather has been on our side and some nice Springs in the 8 to 16 pound range have been caught there also have been quite a few undersize fish caught also that range in size from 5lbs to just undersize. It should just keep getting better as the Spring moves on and we’ll start fishing off the South end of Bowen Island to the Gulf Islands soon. Crabbing and Prawning remains great. Until next time good luck.