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Fishing Report July 25th

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Fishing was alot better today with Sockeye, Pink, Coho, and some Springs showing up on the West Van shoreline. On the flood this morning quite a few fish were taken from the Pink apartment down to the marker off the Capilano River. There also later in the day a few Pinkis were taken off the Fishery Station. In the last couple days these fish have moved in this is what we’ve been waiting for the last couple weeks it should get better every day. The Gulf islands The Grande and Thrasher rock some good fishing for Springs continues when the water lets us get over to that side. Howe Sound a few Pinks have shown up any day now we should get a big push off them up the Sound to the Defense Islands, and Furry Creek area. Things are looking very positive for the next month for Coho, Pink and Sockeye with a few Springs mixed in. Crabbing remains very good with lots off big dungeness crab. Until next time good luck

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Fishing Report July 16th

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Fishing has been picking up the last few days. With the water being calm the last few days people have gotten over to the Gulf Islands. Thrasher Rock and the Grande have produced. Some boats have done very well limiting out on Spring salmon up to 30lbs most fish seem to be in the high teens. This fishery is great you drag the bottom so you’re usually busy with some kind off bottom fish if you don’t have a Spring on. On this side off the Straight of Georgia, Howe Sound some nice Springs have been taken off Hole in the Wall, Grace, and Salmon Rock. In English Bay the Bell Buoy has quite a few undersize Springs with the odd big one. The West van shoreline seems to still be active when you get on top off a school of Coho with a Spring mixed in. I got my first Sockeye of the year yesterday off the sailing club off 14th street that was a surprise hitting a spoon we also lost a Coho, had a couple other hits, a few small salmon, and a few cod when we were dragging the bottom off the pink apartment. There seems to be quite alot of small salmon (grilse) on there way out to see a good sign for years to come.

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Fishing Report July 11th & 12th

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It’s been a nice sunny weekend on the water around Vancouver. The Gulf islands off of Thrasher rock and the Grande have produced some very nice Springs. It’s still hit and miss but well worth it when you hit. One boat got 3 very nice Springs weighing 34, 26, and 20lbs, but a boat beside him had one hit and did not get it in. This side of the Straight of Georgia has been alike, hit or miss. T10 and South has had some nice Springs and a few Jack Spings mixed in. There has been the odd Spring and Coho hit on the West Van shoreline, but this has slowed down. In Howe Sound, a few Springs and Jack Springs have been caught in certain areas such as: Salmon Rock, Grace islands, and Hole in the Wall. Crabbing still remains successful. On the last trip out to the traps, we got 15 legal Dungeness Crab. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks when we should begin to see the Pinks and Sockeye arrive. Hurry and book your August charters now!

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Fishing Report July 3rd

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Well finally after a week of North west wind it has died down abit can’t remember the last time it blew for a week. Boats could finally fish the West van shoreline again. There were a few schools of Coho down there and an odd Spring hopefully it calms down and the fishing will get back to how it was a couple weeks ago. There still are fish in the Gulf Islands off Thrasher and the Grande but the water has not let anybody fish over there except the few that are docked in Silver Bay. In Howe Sound a few nice Springs have been caught at Hole In the wall, and off Sunset marina with a few Jack Springs also which are just undersize mature Spring salmon. The West side off Bowen island has produced some real nice Springs in the last week again the North West hits there so limited time fishing there so if it stays calm we will get a good read on all these spots in the next day or so. Crabbing is still great and should stay that way.

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Fishing Report July 1st

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Would be nice to see the North West wind blow itself out not very often we get 5 or 6 days in a row of it blowing down the Straight of Georgia. The last few days very few people have been able to get out to where the fish have been. The Gulf islands very few people have been able to fish, there was a boat that got out for a few hours and got into a couple nice Spring salmon and other than that it’s been rough. On our side of the Straight of Georgia there has been no news of anybody fishing off the Fraser River but the count in the river has been good so t10 down South should be good when the wind stops. In English Bay on the West van shoreline again very rough but the few hours that have been fishable some Coho and Spring salmon have been caught should be good when the wind dies down the Capilano River is down to a trickle again so those fish should just stack up. Howe Sound a few nice Springs have been caught again alot of these spots have been rough but some fish have been caught at Defence islands, 3rd marker (off west side of bowen island), Hutt island (off west side of bowen island), and hole in the wall which is just outside Horseshoe Bay. The good news is the wind is sappossed to die down to 10 to 15knots on friday which should make alot of these spots very fishable and hopefully get back to our calm vacouver waters that we’re used to. Crabbing is still good and should continue to be that way for the whole summer.

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Fishing report June 18th

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Another great day on the water around vancouver flat calm and sunny. A few miles south of T10 the fishing was abit slower today but some nice fish were still caught the boat i talked to got a nice Spring a few Jack Springs and lost a beauty beside the boat. In the afternoon we fished the West Van shoreline again near the Capilano River and kept 3 nice Coho, releases a wild Coho, released 2 undersize Springs, and lost a few Coho not as good as yesterday but still a good afternoon. The crabbing remains very good with lots of big dungeness crab we picked our 12 legal crab and threw a bunch back. Hopefully no big rain comes those Coho should just keep stcking up near the Capilano river. Untill next time good luck.

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Vancouver Fishing report June 17th

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Today was another great day on the waters around Vancouver. The fishing was hot off Naniamo off five fingers again today all Spring salmon. On our side of the Strait of Georgia some boats did real well off the Fraser River. The best spot seemed to be South of T10 a few miles with one of the boats from our dock getting 6 legal Spring between 15lbs and 27lbs and releasing 5 Jack Spring which are mature undersize fish. On our trip today we left in the afternoon to fish the flood tide on the West Van shoreline Near the Capilano river. We had none stop action for the 3hrs we were there we only were fishing 2 rods. We limited out on hatchery Coho between 5 and 8lbs released a few wild Coho, a hatchery Coho, an undersize Spring and lost a Spring which our lovely friend the seal took from us. If this rain stays away these Coho should just keep stacking up mixed in with some nice Springs. There were several more schools of Coho down there today from a few days ago when i was down there. A boat fishing in deaper water than us had two nice Springs in the boat but no Coho so there are numbers of both species down there. it’s looking up as long as the weather helps us out. The crabbing is still very good with quite a few large dungeness crab. Till next time good luck.

Silver / Coho Silver / Coho Silver / Coho

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Fishing report June 16th

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Still great weather and the fishing has just got better. The Gulf islands are still good off of Thrasher and Five fingers. Howe Sound there have been a few Springs taken off Salmon Rock. The West van shoreline has been quite good for Coho and there’re a few Springs mixed in. T10 which is off the airport and the middle arm of the Fraser river has been producing Springs with some days being very good. Things are looking up, things should keep getting better especially the West Van shoreline if it does not rain. The Capilano River is very low right now and the fish really can’t get up the river and should continue to stack up

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Fishing Report June 11th

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Hopefully this is the start of some good news for Vancouver salmon fishing. Today some Coho and Springs have started to show up in English bay, Howe sound, and the Gulf islands. The West Van shoreline on the last couple hours of the flood this morning produces some Coho, wild and a few hatchery clipped ones with a couple Springs getting hit but were lost. Howe sound at Salmon rock at the high tide this morning there were a couple nice Spring salmon caught right of the Rock and a real nice Spring close to 35lbs was caught of Gower point. The Gulf islands also heated up today abit with a couple Springs getting caught of Thrasher, and off Five Fingers off Naniamo a boat boated 5 Springs looks good for the weekend. The West van shoreline should just get better with next week having great floods all morning so as long as it does not rain and the Capilano river does not rise we should start to see Coho and Springs starting to stack up on the West Van shoreline. Email or call for any information you would like to ask about talk to you soon Mark