bowen islands salmon charters Archives - Vancouver Salmon Fishing Charters with Watermark Charters - Fully Guided

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Fishing report April 23 2011

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Wow some nice weather finally hopefully this is the start of Spring in Vancouver. The vancouver fishing has still been abit slow but the weather has not helped much at all. Hopefully now the weather will let the Vancouver salmon fishing season really begin. In the last week not many people have been out fishing but Defence and Poteau Cove has produced a few fish for the few people that have ventured up Howe Sound. The South end of Bowen, which everyone has been waiting for, has still been slow but with the weather and the water conditions it has not been fished very much. The West side off Bowen island Tunstall, 3rd marker, Hutt, Grace islands a few fish have been caught. The Gulf islands a few fish have been caught off Thrasher rock which is a great. If this weather stays nice and it warms up we should see the fishing pick up quite quickly.

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Fishing Report July9th

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The weather finally sounds like it’s going to stop raining and dry out. The Gulf islands fishing has been good one day spotty the next. Fishing the Grande dragging bottom has been producing there also have been 3 or 4 halibut caught in the last 2 weeks in the Gulf islands. T10 south has been producing one here one there but with the water and weather changing should start to get back to where it was a couple weeks ago. The West van shoreline is still producing a Coho here and there and a few undersize Springs with the odd legal Spring. This area should get better after a few days of no rain and the fish will start to stack up again. Howe Sound has started to produce some nice Springs Hole in the Wall has produced some nice Springs up to 30lbs with a few Jack Springs mixed in. Other places that has produced fish in Howe Sound Salmon Rock, West side of Bowen, and Grace Islands and the Hole in the Wall area up past Sunset marina. Sounds like the weather is going to be sunny with no rain so things should look better in a few days. Only a couple more weeks till the Pink salmon hit Howe sound.