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Vancouver salmon fishing report for August 5th

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It is time for another Vancouver fishing report. After a couple good weeks of fishing on the West Van shoreline for Coho and Spring salmon we are now fishing off the Fraser river. Our first big push of Sockeye salmon hit the mouth of the Fraser in the last couple days. Today was the first day most people t‎hat know how to fish for Sockeye did very well. The fish seemed to be south of the north arm off the Fraser ‎river and down to T-10 but I’m sure there are fish all the way down to the South arm from reports I have heard.

Nice limit of Sockeye on the deck. Gibbs Highliner flashers and lots of dummy flashers helped. Early day heading home

Nice limit of Sockeye on the deck. Gibbs Highliner flashers and lots of dummy flashers helped. Early day heading home

Just got the full arsenal out for Sockeye. 6 rodds and a bunch of dummy flashers. Gibbs Highliner flashers.

Just got the full arsenal out for Sockeye. 6 rodds and a bunch of dummy flashers. Gibbs Highliner flashers.

Fishing for Sockeye we are using Gibbs Highliner flashers blue glow, red glow, and chartreuse glow. Fishing with 6 rods and a bunch of dummy flashers is key to get as much flash down there as you can to attract the schools to you. We are nearly booked for the whole month of August already, call now to book a day on the Watermark. It’s been a great year so far, and with the next month or so fishing for Sockeye will be great, then we will end the season with the Springs off the Fraser and at the Capilano river. Follow me on twitter @salmoncharter or FB on watermark fishing charters and you will see up to the minute reports while I’m on the water. Crabbing remains very good and should continue for the rest of the summer. Call to ask any questions and I will help you out anyway I can. Mark