It has been another good week on the Vancouver charter scene garnering great results not only on the Watermark but other boats as well.
Most boats are now fishing somewhere off the south end of Bowen Island with good to great results most days. Areas also producing: the 3rd marker in Howe Sound, Hutt Island, Grace Island and Hole in the Wall. Keep an eye out for feed on the sounder, it’s usually a good bet that the Springs won’t be far away! This fishery should continue for another month. Over the next couple of weeks the Gulf Islands usually start to pick up and people start to migrate over towards Gabriola Island.
Over the last week we’ve been successful with a bunch of different gear. The flashers that have produced the best results this week are Gibbsdelta flashers, chartreuse glow, or the Watermark. Spoons: G force 3in Outfitter, 3.5 Bon Chovie and the Silver Horde 3in Homeland Security. On the Watermark we exclusively use Rhys Davis heads. The UV green or the two green flow work well with anchovies. Leaders for bait and spoons are most effective between 5 and 7 feet.
We’ve been averaging 6-12 hits each morning with salmon ranging from just undersized to up to 20 lbs. Some we’ve lost to play while a few just didn’t stick. These pictures are from a charter this past week. We had a fantastic morning and ended the day with 5 springs ranging anywhere from 14-20lbs, a few undersized, a couple hits and a few Pacific cod (more of a nuisance). To end the day, we had a great haul of crab and prawns. In addition to the great fishery, this past week we’ve been entertained by eagles, seals and were even lucky enough to see killer whales. A perfect ending to an already incredible day.
It’s a great time of year to book a charter. The Straight of Georgia is always a great way to spend a day. In order to get the best experience and yield the best results, we’d recommend a charter 5-7 hours and beyond so we can catch both sides of the tide but have a full tide in to fish.
If you have any questions feel free to call. I’d love to have you out on the Watermark but equally as happy to answer questions if you want to give it a go on your own!
You can check us out and keep up to date on the Watermark adventures on Twitter: @salmoncharter or Facebook: Watermark Fishing Charters or on our website
Enjoy the weather and until next time…good luck.
Mark those cod are pollock
Where is the spot to be and how deep ?
I’ve been off the south end of Bowen a couple miles usually start off curtis and head west. Check out my fishing report that’s from the last few trips. If you’d like to pick my brain more give me a call. Good luck let me know how you do.
Thank you
Anchovy ?
No prob give me a shout whenever if I don’t reply on fb within a couple hours. Yes mainly anchovies or the Gibbsdelta G force spoons mainly 3 or 3.5in. Let me know how it goes I should start to grout there a lot more soon.