Another week has passed producing some good results on the Vancouver fishing charter scene. Defense Island is still generating good numbers with fish into the high teens and a few undersized. As long as the bait sticks around this area should continue to produce. Alternate locations include Grace Island, 3rd marker on the west side of Bowen Island and as usual Hole in the Wall is always a good bet.
We have now started to fish the south end of Bowen Island which will remain the main fishery for the next month or so and we should start to see a real pick up in the upcoming week. At the moment we are fishing anywhere off Cowan’s Point west. Most fish we catch tend to be in the 13-16lbs range which is great to see. The gear we have been most successful with this week has been the Gibbs Watermark flasher or chartreuse glow, Rhys Davis heads with anchovies. Also, G-Force 3.5in spoons or Silver Horde homeland security spoons. The best depths have been from 70-130 feet.
Today Watermark had a terrific group out on a charter. Our lines were in around 7:45am off Slash. We had our first fish pretty quick – a nice 14-15lbs Spring. A great way to start the charter! Throughout the morning we got another about the same size, one slightly below the legal limit and one even smaller. We also had a good hit that didn’t stick…the one that got away! Slower numbers today but still finished with 2 in the box. We’ll blame it on the killer whales that came by and surprised us this morning!

If you have any questions about charters or if you’re just going out on your boat, feel free to call 604 816 8944 and I’d be happy to help any way I can.