The fishing in the Vancouver area over the weekend had some good results. The West van shoreline has slowed down there’re a few schools of Coho down there so if you hit one you can do well and a few nice Springs were hit. T10 to the South arm some boats did quite qell this weekend for Springs but it was you were a hero or a zero. It looks like the Squamish fish have started to arrive into Howe Sound. There’ve been fish caught at Salmon Rock, the west side of Bowen, and Hole in the Wall to Sunset marina. Hole in the Wall yesterday had a fresh run off Springs come in the biggest I know off was 33lbs and one boat kept 3 Springs another kept 2 and about another half dozen were caught in the last say or so. They were all white Springs so definetly Squamish fish. If this is the start of the Squamish fish coming in the next couple weeks in Howe Sound will be the place to be. Nothing like a 5 minute run to the fishing grounds. Crabbing is still good with lots of large dungeness crab should stay this way for most of the summer.